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Global Sites: Project OneEight

Project OneEight and the Disciple Development Centers enrich and empowering Leaders for Global Impact.


 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."  Jesus, Acts 1:8 


The goal of Project OneEight is to locate Praxis training sites throughout the world to facilitate leadership and church multiplication. By empowering regional leaders to use our resources—”training the trainers” — we seek to facilitate revolution in the church and revival in the world.


As Jesus promised us in Acts 1:8, through these centers we will see an ever-expanding impact of the Kingdom of God as leaders are developed and new churches are established. Working through our Discipleship Development Centers (DDC) we are able to mobilize indigenous missionary church planters to effectively catalyze a new disciple-making church community.


For just $250 per year we can train and deploy such church planters, providing each pastoral apprentice in the DDC with a multi-volume theological library, most of which are unattainable in the Third World, and certainly not something they could ever dream of purchasing themselves, as well as 20 days of intensive training.


To date through Project OneEight we have planted over 150 churches in the Pacific Rim and Middle East, and now are expanding into East Africa. If you or your church would like to partner with us in funding the development of missional leaders and churches, you can do so here. For more information on Project OneEight, contact us.

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